Meeting documents

Dorset County Council County Council
Thursday, 21st July, 2016 10.00 am

  • Meeting of County Council, Thursday, 21st July, 2016 10.00 am (Item 67.)

To consider a report by the Chief Executive.


The Council considered a report and recommendations that aimed to inform the Council of action taken since its last meeting on 21 April 2016 and to agree future activity in relation to the future of local government in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole. It was clarified that the Monitoring Officer had been included within the recommendations to ensure the appropriateness of action to be taken.


Concerns were expressed regarding the consultation process, and members stated the need to ensure that a range of options were included.  It was reported that the independent research company, Opinion Research Services (ORS) appointed to manage the consultation had a proven track record (including the merger of Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Authorities) and used a range of sophisticated tools with strict rules of engagement to ensure that no contamination or bias occurred during the consultation process.  Assurance was also given that an additional meeting of the County Council could be called, should members believe that the consultation process was flawed.


Officers clarified that there may be insufficient information for a submission to be made to the Government to request a deferment of the elections planned in May 2017, by the time of the next meeting of the County Council on 10 November 2016.  It would be for the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and a submission would be required by 30 November 2016.  Members highlighted the financial and practical difficulties in holding the elections in 2017 and voiced their opinion that this should be deferred.  A revised recommendation was proposed and agreed.


Reference was made to the Shaping Dorset Future Board.  Members were reminded that the Board consisted of 15 members appointed by the County Council.  Documents were circulated via Group Leaders to ensure all councillors had access to the information and there was a clear mandate for the direction of travel.  Councillor Rebecca Knox, as the Chairman of the Board, confirmed that it had cross party participation and that she would ask for the documents to be made public to enable members to contribute via their representatives.


Some members questioned the short timescales involved and whilst recognising the opportunities ahead, emphasised the need to ensure that all parties were at the same point with equality of data sharing, in particular the Town and Parish Councils.  It was highlighted that decisions had to be made that were right for the people of Dorset and to ensure the progress of democracy, rather than be driven by the DCLG. 



1.      That the progress of the Shaping Dorset’s Future Programme, particularly the invitation made to the six District and Borough councils to become involved, be noted.

2.      That the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader and Shaping Dorset’s Future Board, be authorised to amend the Terms of Reference for the Shaping Dorset’s Future Board to reflect the involvement of the District and Borough Councils.

3.      That the progress on working with Town and Parish Councils under the ‘Working Together’ Programme be noted.

4.      That the plans to develop a case for change for Local Government Reform, and undertake a large scale public consultation, in partnership with the eight principal authorities in Dorset be noted.

5.      That the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader, Monitoring Officer and Shaping Dorset’s Future Board, be given authority to confirm contents and scope of the public consultation.

6.      That the County Council do not wish the elections to take place in 2017, as the Council wishes to pursue Local Government reform, subject to the results of the public consultation.

7.      That a further report following the planned public consultations, the development of the case for change, and implications for the 2017 County Council elections, be presented at the next County Council meeting.


(Councillor Clare Sutton requested that her abstention from voting on recommendation number 5 be recorded.)


Reason for Decisions

To ensure local government services were sustainable and residents, businesses and communities were supported by the most effective local government arrangements.

Supporting documents: